Tuesday, June 01, 2010

It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, but as I have said, I have been working hard on the “Small Town Texas Masons E-magazine” and it has been recognized. The following story from the June 2010 issue tells the story.

If you haven’t been reading the “Small Town Texas Masons E-magazine” please give it a try. It is different. It is at http://www.mastermason.com/STTM-Emag/ on the web.


The "Masonry At Work" Award - Brother Corky's Night

By John "Corky" Daut

On May 3, 2010, Bro. John “Corky” Daut was given the “Masonry At Work” award for his contributions to Freemasonry through his computer and internet accomplishments in reaching to Masons worldwide with the “Small Town Texas Masons E-magazine” and the online version of the Waller Masonic Lodge newsletter and creating web sites for many Texas Lodges.

The award was presented by DDGM Right Worshipful Robert Podvin for the Grand Master of Texas, Most Worshipful Orville L. O'Neill.

It was also a proud night for Waller Masonic Lodge in Waller Texas when a little over 60 people walked past the new Memorial Garden, through the new front doors, into the completely remodeled and decorated entry hall. Then everyone joined in the newly remodeled kitchen and dining room to share what turned out to be a real feast. Brother “Wes” Mersiovsky and wife Liz and daughters, as the “Chefs”, worked hard and long to prepare the roast pork loin and side dishes. Plus, many of the wives brought home made side dishes and deserts to add to the meal and the kitchen was crowded with volunteers to assist as needed.

Brother “Wes” was beaming a little as he worked, at the many praises overheard about the remodeling work he had done on the building. He has been working for days and even a few nights to get the building ready in time.

After the meal, everyone found seats in the Lodge room where Worshipful Master David Reagan and our D.D.G.M. Right Worshipful “Bob” Podvin began the award ceremony and presented a beautiful plaque to Corky.

Now, a day after, I have to be honest about it, as I heard what an outstanding service I was doing for Freemasonry by producing the “Small Town Texas Masons E-Mag.” I was somewhat embarrassed. All the time, I told everyone that I do it because I just love doing it and I really do enjoy producing the magazine. I love the challenge of searching the internet and other sources to find interesting and educational Masonic stories.

But after a little soul searching, I think, in my own way, I am trying to pay back what I consider a personal debt and make a real contribution to Freemasonry. Maybe that's why I became a Freemason at age 64, worked through the chairs and became a Worshipful Master at 77, then started this magazine 2 years ago at 80.
In my small way, I am trying to repay the Shriners (and Freemasonry) for the fifteen or so years that my oldest daughter Valerie was treated at the Shrine Hospital in Houston.

Sometime after Valerie was born in 1960, she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, The doctors said she would never be able to walk and probably live a short life in a bed. Cerebral Palsy we thought, wow, we had never even heard of it, What the heck s it? We quickly found out, if you have that condition as a new born baby, it is Cerebral Palsy, but if it happens after you are born you have had a stroke.

After a year or two, my supervisor at work, a Mason, offered to help us get Valerie admitted to the Shrine Hospital for treatment at no cost to us. She had years and years of multiple operations, weeks in the hospital, braces, crutches, special shoes and therapy at absolutely no cost to us.

Valerie was in special education classes in high school when she ask if she could please take some regular classes. They agreed and she did well and after graduating from high school, she enrolled in North Harris County Junior College. After graduating from North Harris County, she enrolled in Sam Houston University in Huntsville where she lived in the dorms and worked on her degree there for 2 years.

So, after what the Shriners did for her, I knew that I owed the Shriners and Freemasonry. It just took me a while to figure out what and now I am still trying to make up for all those lost years.

Come to think of it, maybe I am making a little difference. One of the visiting Brothers told me that he is copying all of the issues of the STTME-mag. and putting them in his Lodge library so the Brothers can read them in the future.

I would like to thank WM Dave Reagan, DDGM Bob Podvin, PM “Wes” Mersiovsky and all of the other Brothers, Wives and Visitors who worked and came to make my award night a very special night that I will long remember. And, also I would like to thank Freemasonry for changing my daughter's life and our family's lives and for giving me the opportunity to repay a debt.

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